Ann in 2008 at AJ's Birthday Party.

Ann at the hospital in labor.

Ann in 2011 after donating 10 inches of hair to charity.

2017 EAW Kidz Initiative Banquet and Graduation Ceremony

BuPurchase Your Copy TODAY!
Visit the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center at
501 West 9th Street in
Little Rock, Arkansas

Outside of Little Rock

Why You Need the Books!
Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries began as a result of Ann Wooten-Taylor's deliverance from obesity, and she has been teaching others the Christian health and fitness principles she learned since 2012. Unlike many Christian health and fitness classes, the EAW class is not a forum where individuals come together, say a prayer, and then have a workout session. On the contrary, EAW Ministries Health and Fitness courses focus on God’s perspective about our body, our eating habits, and keeping our bodies healthy through the study of His Word.
The 12 concepts are designed to help you succeed by equipping you to win the daily battle that you are currently losing, first and foremost, in your mind. Until your mind is set free, you will continue to wander in the Wilderness of Obesity and Eating Disorders. As your mind is delivered, you’ll find you can not only adopt a healthy lifestyle, but you can also stick with it when you realize it was never about you. The battle was, is, and always will be a spiritual one to be won by the Lord.
EAW Health and Fitness Talk Show
Airing on HMS in Houston, Texas
Tune in to Comcast 17, AT&T Uverse 99, or
LIVESTREAM at www.hmstv.org

SMiles TV
You can also watch portions of the Eating as an Act of Worship Health and Fitness Talk Show on SMiles TV! Watch the HEALTHY SMILES segment featuring the EAW Ministries Health and Fitness Show on SMiles TV in the East St. Louis, Illinois area on the following channels:
Charter Cable Channel 984 on Mondays at 8:00 p.m.
Channel 992 on Tuesdays & Saturdays at 7:30 a.m./Sundays at 4:30 p.m.
PChatman Network App
On Point Network App
Dynasty Television Network
SMiles TV YouTube Channel
LIVESTREAM at www.smilestv.com

EAW Ministries Radio Show
StudioW Buzz is now a part of the Dynasty Media Portal with 14 MILLION LISTENERS AND VIEWERS!
Tune in to the Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries Radio Show EVERY SATURDAY MORNING at 11:00 am CST on StudioW Buzz! Each week you'll be blessed by the EAW Weekly Motivation to give you divine inspiration to start, resume, and/or stick with your health and fitness plan until you reach the Promised Land of Healthy and Fit for Life! Then you'll hear from a different inspirational guest each week.
To listen to the show, download the FREE app from your App Store or livestream the show online!
Android: Download IMG2
IOS (Apple): Download IMG 2
Livestream: www.studiowbuzz.com OR
Call in #: 719.284.5525 EXT: 20530

Now you can GET A DOUBLE PORTION of the EAW Ministries Radio Show! Tune in to the Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries Radio Show EVERY SATURDAY MORNING at 10:00 am CST on Victory FM! Each week you'll be blessed by the EAW Weekly Motivation to give you divine inspiration to start, resume, and/or stick with your health and fitness plan until you reach the Promised Land of Healthy and Fit for Life! Then you'll hear from a different inspirational guest each week.
To listen to the show, TUNE YOUR RADIO to one of the stations below or LIVESTREAM the show online!
95.3 FM
100.9 FM
1530 AM
LIVESTREAM at www.VictoryFMRadio.com
EAW Health and Fitness Column

Subscribe to the Back2Eden News Magazine and read the Eating as an Act of Worship Health and Fitness Column! Each article provides encouragement to start a health and fitness plan, to resume you current plan if you had a setback, and to remain consistent as you obey God's command to eat and drink for His glory (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Contact: Clarissa Turner at 219.487.8472

Subscribe to Kingdom News Today Magazine in Little Rock, Arkansas to read the Eating as an Act of Worship Health and Fitness Column. Click on this link to SUBSCRIBE NOW: https://kingdomnewstoday.com/magazine-editions/

To download Godlock Magazine and read the Eating as an Act of Worship Health and Fitness Column, click on this link: https://issuu.com/godlockmagazine/docs/final_copy_leaderstolegacy.
About Ann Wooten-Taylor

Ann Wooten-Taylor, Esq. is the C.E.O. of Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries and an attorney who has been licensed to practice law in the State of Arkansas since 2004. Mrs. Taylor is also the author of the Eating as an Act of Worship Workbook and the Eating as an Act of Worship Teacher's Edition books. She also writes the EAW Ministries Blog as well as the EAW Health and Fitness Column which appears in Back2Eden News Magazine, Kingdom News Today Magazine, and Godlock Magazine. Additionally, Mrs Taylor hosts the Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries Radio Show on Saturday mornings on StudioW Buzz in San Bernadino, California and Victory FM in Little Rock, Arkansas. Most recently, Ann became the executive producer and hostess of the EAW Health and Fitness Talk Show airing on HMS in Houston, Texas. She currently resides in Little Rock, Arkansas with her husband, her mother, and her two children.